Early Intervention Special Class
St Patrick’s National School was sanctioned for an Early Intervention Special Class for Autistic Students in September 2023 in line with the Department of Education and Skills criteria.
This class meets the needs of students with complex and severe educational needs arising from their diagnosis of ASD. It is intended for students who have a diagnosis of ASD meeting DSM IV/V or ICD-10 diagnosis criteria and is for all students who meet the criteria irrespective of cognitive ability.
This early intervention special class for ASD have a maximum of six pupils and is staffed with one teaching post and two special needs assistants per class of six.
Primary Special Class
We are delighted that St Patrick’s National School has also been sanctioned for a Primary Special Class for Autistic Students from September 2024 in line with the Department of Education and Skills criteria.
This newly sanctioned class meets the needs of students with complex and severe educational needs arising from their diagnosis of ASD. It is intended for students who have a diagnosis of ASD meeting DSM IV/V or ICD-10 diagnosis criteria and is for all students who meet the criteria irrespective of cognitive ability.
This special class for ASD has a maximum of six pupils (1st - 6th Class) and is staffed with one teaching post and two special needs assistants per class of six.
For more information please contact the office on 01 287 5684 or admin@stpns.ie