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Voluntary Family Contribution

The cost of educating each child at St Patrick's NS Greystones is made possible through government grants and your volunteer contribution and the generous gifts of alumni, friends  and the tireless work of the teachers and PTA working together.
As we are a National School, there is no school fee and no other costs levied apart from the cost of stationery, art and craft materials, etc.  A request is made once a year to parents for a voluntary contribution to help maintain the school and purchase extra resources.

Voluntary contribution per year: 

  • One child: €250 

  • Two or more children: €295 

Contributions are payable before or in the month of September of each year through Aladdin. 

Should you not be able to make this contribution please do let us know by sending an email to


For taxpayers, please find below the Enduring Certificate CHY3 form. Completion of the form provides tax relief in respect of charitable donations by self-assessed or PAYE taxpayers. This tax relief is provided to the school grossed up at the rate of 31%. Please see the form itself for further details.


© Copyright  by  STPNS
Designed & Built by Spintelligent Ireland

Church Road, Greystones
Co. Wicklow, Ireland

Contact Us


Phone: 01 2875684


Roll Number: 12554M

Registered Charity Number: 20205417

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