Homeschool Hub
' I'd like to say how impressed I am with the set up of zoom classes. Once set up I was able to work from home. Knowing that he was busy and supervised I was able to get on with my own work.
Thanks again for all the hard work that has gone
into setting this all up '

The School is a very different place for us all at the moment. Prior to the school reverting to remote learning on 11th January, we as a school were very busy preparing for this new way of teaching. As always, our amazing teachers are working away in the background and following our school meetings, what we learned from our previous online teaching experience and from your feedback, we have enhanced some updated changes.
I just really want to take a moment to highlight the amazing hard work and dedication of all the staff here at St Patricks. Everybody has really risen to this challenge and are going above and beyond to find new and creative ways to teach remotely. I am so impressed how you the parents, and the children, have risen to this huge challenge again. Without the commitment of you all, our staff and in particular the children, this home schooling would not be as successful. I don't underestimate how challenging this is for all.
This is why it is so important to stay strong and try to be a s positive as we can. Remember, we are all in this together.
Even though everyone is at home, the children will have the following:
a weekly timetable which is sent out before each week begins
a live meet & greet with a roll call taken prior to lessons beginning. This is to help set up your child for the school day.
a minimum of 2 x Zoom lessons - either live or pre-recorded
clear instructions of what is expected by your child everyday
Traffic light system to prioritise work (see below)
teacher lead spelling tests every Friday to applicable classes
teachers available during school hours
emphasis on the core subjects of Irish, English & Maths. Other subject areas will be covered where applicable
correction of work - by email, seesaw or live corrections where applicable. Following feedback from parents, there will be more emphasis on this.
full support from AEN following their normal timetables.
support from SNAs throughout the full day (timetabled throughout various classes).
If you feel that your child is not engaging very well, it is important that you email the teacher to highlight this. I am very aware that many parents (including our teachers) are trying to juggle working from home & caring for your children.
The most important thing is to find the routine that works best for your family.