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Welcome to our library

Developing a love of reading is a very important component of the primary curriculum and our library reflects how seriously this school regards the importance of encouraging children to read for pleasure.

St Patrick’s Library has grown and developed over several years, thanks mainly to the efforts of parents past and present. The children have access to a wide range of books in a very attractive room, which, to be honest would be the envy of most other schools in the country. Our school library has nearly 8,000 children's books, covering a wide range of interests and reading abilities. Stock is updated and refreshed regularly to keep eager readers engaged!

The library is open each morning from 8.25 for each class to visit on a rotating schedule. The children can drop back, renew or exchange their books. There are also class visits scheduled on a two-weekly basis during which stories are read, new acquisitions and other book related topics discussed, relevant non-fiction located, etc. Children are invited to make suggestions regarding what to buy next. There are occasional competitions and seasonally themed activities. Even teddies are encouraged to read!

All is made possible by the library committee which consists of a group of very dedicated parents who man the desk, keep the shelves in order, make the room look attractive and organise book-related events and activities. And, very importantly, they also fund-raised by running a Scholastic Book Fair each Autumn and a second-hand book sale each spring.


No less a person than Albert Einstein said once that “the only thing you absolutely have to know is the way to the library”.
We want every child in St Patrick’s to know that way.


Opening Times

The Library is open to St Patrick’s students each day of term from 8.25am - 8.45am on a class rotation basis, so come along for a browse or to borrow a book or two! Parents and carers are welcome to accompany their children if they wish. Classes also have regular time-tabled visits during school hours.  

Don’t forget to bring any current book rentals back to the Library when you visit! There is a limit on how many books you can borrow at a time, and other children may be eagerly waiting to read a book that you have at home or in your schoolbag.

Encouraging Reading

During library visits, we can help your children choose books that are age appropriate and enjoyable. Reading is also encouraged through fun activities and events. We organise quizzes, author visits and workshops, teddy bear visits, book reviews and more. A suggestion box is available in the Library for any book requests or activity ideas or please speak to a member of the Library Committee, who you will find in the Library during opening times.

Caring for Library Books

Please look after our school Library books. Use a bookmark and do not bend, tear, or crease pages, handle books with clean hands and don’t bend back the book spine. Most important of all - keep books away from leaking water bottles! If you think your child has lost or damaged a Library book, please contact your child's Class Teacher or a member of the Library Committee. 

Lost or Damaged books

The Library is run by the PTA Library Committee, which consists of a group of volunteer parents and teachers. If you would like to get involved in any way, please contact


Fundraising for new books and library activities and resources takes place throughout the year, mainly via two events - our annual Scholastic Book Fair and the St Patrick’s NS Second-hand Children’s Book Sale.

Did you know that if you shop online with Scholastic, you can earn 20¢ credit for our school to use for every €1 that you spend. 


We always welcome donations of books (in good condition) that you no longer wish to keep. Books that are not suitable for use in the Library will be sold at the next Second-hand Children’s Book Sale. It is due to very generous donations and the tremendous fundraising efforts by parents over the years, together with the determined commitment of the school’s staff, Board of Management, PTA and Library Committee that we have such a fantastic and well stocked school library so THANK YOU!



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Designed & Built by Spintelligent Ireland

Church Road, Greystones
Co. Wicklow, Ireland

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Phone: 01 2875684


Roll Number: 12554M

Registered Charity Number: 20205417

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