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4th class Literacy Group

Updated: Nov 18, 2021

We have been working on our reading fluency through the pleasure of poetry. We looked at a couple of different genres and even listened to some poets reciting their own poems, to hear their intonation and expression. One of our favourites was “Don’t Put Mustard in the Custard” by Michael Rosen. It was very funny. We compared this to another poem called “The Dream of a Plastic Bag” by Lucinda Jacob. It was rather depressing.

By reading the poems a few times aloud, we increased our fluency, raised our confidence and had fun along the way!

At the end of our poetry-reading module, we were inspired to write our own. Using “storyteller dice”, we each rolled a dice (twice!) at the same time and got 12 words.

Then we composed the following poem entitled...

“The Crazy Christmas”

I was making the meal on Christmas Eve

Accidentally, it fell under the Christmas Tree

A banana, a burger and ice-cream too

Missed my mouth, falling into my shoes!

Outside I heard the rain like a whale,

Its song made a sound of stones of hail.

My football burst, and I was sad

Because I got it for Christmas from my Dad

Luckily, he came home later that night

With a brand new ball, all new and white

The next day, my ball had paw-prints

I looked at my muddy dog who needed a rinse!

By Isla L, Geoffrey D, Juliette H, Oisin B-M, Juliette L, Zach G.



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