The Ukrainian and St Patricks school communities came together today to celebrate a Ukrainian Cultural Day filled to the brim with traditional dance, music, drama, food and games.
The families of the pupils to organise a special day to showcase their traditions to acquaint the school with Masliana, one of the brightest and most cheerful holidays in Ukraine to celebrate the beginning of Spring.
Pupils from junior infants to sixth class were given the opportunity to experience Ukrainian activities from playing a dumpling target game, to partaking in a traditional dance class and even eating traditional pancakes. A drama showcasing traditional heroes, Kosaks, was performed by the Ukrainian students with singing and dancing throughout. Pupils and staff wore blue and yellow for the occasion.
“Cultural interaction on a day like today allows you to communicate without words, at an emotional human level. It has enriched us all today and allowed us a deeper understanding of the amazing Ukrainian traditions and culture”, Principal Rachel Harper commented.
Last week, to mark the one-year anniversary of the beginning of the war in Ukraine, the pupils in St Patricks N.S. designed and wrote individual messages to be displayed on a Tree of Peace in the grounds of Coolnagreina, Tiglin, the home of many Ukrainian families.