A major topic covered each year in 6th class is World War 2. We have recently read the novel Goodnight Mister Tom. This book deals with the war from the point of view of an evacuee and those left in England trying to live their lives in scary and uncertain times. Anabel, our wonderful SNA, gave a riveting presentation on the experiences of her father who was himself an evacuee. To experience a first-hand account of someone who remembers the terror of hearing the air battles and who witnessed pilots parachuting from their aircraft was amazing and really brought the war to life for us all. Our art pictured was inspired by the blackouts necessary to evade the Luftwaffe bombers during the Blitz. We have just begun the novel the Boy in the Striped Pyjamas which looks at WW2 from the point of view of a 9-year-old German boy, Bruno. It's a fantastic book and has raised many discussion points already.
Contributor: Sinéad Regan