Parents Teachers Association (PTA)
Who is the PTA
All Parents/Guardians and Teachers are automatically members of our PTA. Our remit is to support the school and to help it in its provision of the very best resources for our children, as well as promoting our sense of community with a schedule of social occasions.
The PTA committee is appointed annually at our AGM in October. It consists of
a minimum of 8 parents/guardians (elected annually, ideally consisting of an equal split of male to female)
the Principal
other teacher nominees.
The committee usually meets each month for about 2 hours. Committee members’ term is for a maximum of 3 years, which ensures a roll-over from one year to the next so that existing members share their knowledge and experience with newcomers. Sub- committees generously organise and coordinate a wide range of school projects and events, and other parents are usually coopted to help - thereby sharing the workload!
Each class throughout the school has 2 PTA liaison representatives. They provide a valuable link between parents and the PTA committee, as well as with the Principal and other school staff. They cultivate a positive social network amongst parents of each class, helping to promote social activities and sharing contact numbers for the class, etc.
What does the PTA do?
The PTA is a huge support to the school in a number of ways. Through its fundraising programme, it supports a high standard of ICT throughout the school as well as financing extra resources and specialist support in the Arts and Sports. Through sub-committees, it is directly involved in supporting the school’s Library, ICT, Music and Sports programmes, which includes an extensive after-school schedule of extra-curricular activities.
We organise some great social occasions for adults as well as the children. Some have become part of our annual school calendar while others change from year to year as parents think of great new ideas!
We have had something for everyone:
Library Book Sale
Sixth Class fundraiser: Halloween Party or Movie Night and/or Cake Sale
Parish Fair: Usually held at Templecarrig where we supply baked goods for the Cake Sale
Christmas Cards
Christmas Concert
Quiz Night in February
Sponsored Walk/Mini Marathon
Big Night Out and Golf Event usually takes place in May every year at the Greystones Golf Club. Its our biggest fundraiser evening and the evening is attended by past students and their parents as well as parishioners! After the 9 hole 4 ball competition there is a sit down dinner at the Golf Club with an auction, table prizes and a raffle.
Sports Day followed by a BBQ & Ice cream!
Our committee is always working on plans for the next year so, if you have any suggestions, we would love to hear from you.
What can you do? Get Involved!
get involved!
come along and enjoy our functions and special events
take a turn on the PTA committee or as a PTA liaison representative - it’s great fun!
If you would like more information about any aspect of the PTA, please e-mail the school at admin@stpns.ie. We look forward to hearing from you!