Recipe Showdown 2021 was huge success. Our judges expressed how impressed they all were at the high level of excellence the children demonstrated which made their task exceedingly difficult indeed.
Thank you to all the children who participated, you displayed amazing talents and should be extremely proud of yourselves!
To the parents, thank you for assisting our junior chef's and many thanks to our judges, Anabel Hands, Jennifer Wilkin, Bernie Hunt, Silvia Rohu, Tara Mullen & Rev. Rebecca Guildea.
Special thanks to Rachel Harper for supporting this initiative.

How to enter
Simply send us a short video of you cooking your favourite dish!
The video along with your recipe will be published on the St Patrick's NS Greystones website along with all other entries.
When all the video's are up, two of our wonderful SNA's and Curate Rev. Rebecca Guildea of St Patrick's Church will make the difficult decision on whose recipes/videos they loved the most.
Prize's will be awarded for:
most unusual ingredients
best cooking demonstration
most interesting recipe

About the competition
Are you a keen baker or budding chef? If so, then this competition is for you!
Recipe Showdown is a fun, interactive way for our students to become the teachers!
The competition is open to all St Patrick's NS Greystones pupils and we ask that parents are on hand to supervise all cooking activities.

Video Submission Guidelines
FebrTo ensure all submissions can easily be added to the website please read through the guidelines
Video should be MP4 format and be 3-5mins long in either portrait or landscape. Please stick to one format throughout.
Send the Video to Brigitte via WhatsApp along with your name, your class and a photo of the final dish.
Email the typed out recipe in the body of an email so it can be copy & pasted to The subject line should include child and/or recipe name.
If editing your video, please do not overlay with text or music.
Deadline for submission: 19 February 2021
Brigitte can be contacted on WhatsApp 087 402 7951