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Our Christian Ethos...

A note from Canon David Mungavin

In St Patrick's National School we celebrate our Christian ethos and the
festivals that are integral to our lives. We have regular assemblies at
which we learn and share the stories of life and faith from the rich
treasury of the Bible – we encourage all children to participate, to
question and think about the questions of right and wrong on the moral
compass of life. We want religious learning to be fun, illuminating and
open to child like discernment. 


We believe that ‘truth’ is something to be considered in the light of fact
and faith. In particular, we spend regular sessions with 6th class to
consider and discuss the issues this raises. We believe this all adds colourand vibrancy to the life of our school and parish community
– welcome aboard!


What do we mean by “Church of Ireland Ethos” ?
Our founding community is a long established Christian community here in Ireland with a worldwide dimension. Nowadays we do not dwell on the differences between us and other Christian communities. We do not speak of other denominations as being a “different religion” – we are all Christians. We believe in the God made known to us in the person of Jesus Christ.


St Patrick’s parish and the Church of Ireland try to be an open and welcoming to all. Our school values those of other faiths and none who have become a part of the community. We value what makes people unique, we celebrate different perspectives, a questioning and inquisitive approach, the doubts that often accompany faith but we are also a community whose foundation is the Christian way made known to us through the Gospels, scripture, tradition, reason and revelation. We up hold these qualities in a diverse Ireland and we are delighted that our children and families have chosen our community as the foundation for many years of learning in life’s most formative years.

School/Parish/Diocesan Links


Weekly assembly at school is held each Wednesday morning and is led by the Rector and/or an invited guest. Special assemblies are held in the Parish Church on a regular basis, led by an individual class or shared by two classes. Usually, every class is directly involved in leading an Assembly Service in church once each year.


The Rector has a visiting role within the school, supporting the implementation of the RE curriculum, including particular direct input with 6th Class.  It is hoped to develop such interaction with other classes throughout
the school.


As well as monthly assemblies in church, the school and its pupils are directly involved with various church services throughout the year.  As well as reading and participating in regular services of worship, these include a Christmas play (6th Class), participation in an ecumenical service for Holy Week with the other National Schools in the area, hosted in St Patrick’s Church (6th Class) and a service to mark the end of the school year and to ask God’s blessing on our most senior pupils as they transfer from primary to secondary school (whole school, led by 6th Class). The school is also involved in annual services, as well as occasional and special services from time to time.


Many pupils and their families are active members of St Patrick’s Parish.  While pupils take an active part in regular services of worship, as well as special school assemblies in church, a number of important services during the school year are held in St Patrick’s Church. 


They include:

  • a Christmas Nativity play (presented by 6th Class)

  • an inter-denominational service shared with the local faith-based schools before Easter (involving 6th Class from each of the schools)

  • a service to mark the end of the school year and to ask God’s blessing on 6th Class as they move to secondary school (a whole-school event, led by 6th Class)


The school is represented in annual services such as the Parish Carol Service, as well as at occasional services such as radio and television broadcasts. Many pupils also join parish-based clubs and organisations.


Pupils from the senior classes join teachers and parents in representing the school at the annual diocesan service (Dublin/Glendalough) to mark the beginning of the new academic year at Christ Church Cathedral in Dublin each September/October. 


General Parish and Diocesan structures are covered through the curriculum in 5th and 6th Classes, while information specific to St Patrick’s Parish and our Diocese of Glendalough addressed by the Rector during his school visits.  Excursions to the Parish church and to Christ Church cathedral are included of the school diary.

In July 2024, the Parish celebrated its 160th anniversary. 
For further information about St Patrick’s Parish, please visit


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