Student Leadership Roles
When students are provided with leadership roles, they assume responsibility, demonstrate a willingness to help others, to listen empathetically, and to make sound decisions. Helping students to develop these character traits is why student leadership is very important in school.
At St Patrick’s NS, students are provided with a wide range of leadership opportunities including:

Student Council
The Student Council consists of representatives from each class group and provides a forum through which the students at the school can play a full part in the development of a partnership approach to school life and issues.

Playground Monitors
Our 6th class student playground monitors have a responsibility to help the younger students, from Junior Infants upwards, during playtime. They help children to include one another, solve any conflicts and encourage kind play while helping to make school a fun place for children to play.

IT Representatives
The 6th Class IT team offers a unique opportunity for students to take on leadership roles and develop valuable skills including problem-solving, teamwork, communication and critical thinking.

Sports Representatives
Physical Education is an essential element of school life. The role of the sports representatives is to raise the profile of sport, health and wellbeing within school by helping to plan the sporting calendar and sporting events, organise sports days and celebrate St Patrick’s our achievements with the rest of the school.

Buddy System
The buddy system established in St Patrick’s NS ensures each Junior Infants child is paired with a 6th class student. This buddy system helps to promote friendship, behavioral and social needs, and can foster a greater sense of belonging and a more inclusive school community.