Our School Uniform
Our school uniform includes a wide range of optional components of the uniform, which is considered to be
supportive of a positive and attractive school identity.
Parents may choose from the following items:
blue fleece jacket (with school crest)
blue hooded top (with school crest)
blue rugby shirt (with school crest)
blue tracksuit top (with school crest)
white polo shirt (generic)
These ‘tops’ may be teamed with
navy blue trousers (leggings may be worn up to 4th Class)
navy blue skirt or pinafore (with navy blue tights or socks)
navy blue shorts (with navy blue socks) in warm weather.
Parents are asked to support a small number of other elements of general presentation that also have health and safety implications. They are that
hair should be neat and tidy (long hair tied up)
jewellery is discouraged (pupils may wear stud earrings)
Shoes are black or white.
Please put you child's name in all items of clothing for school.
Uniforms can be purchased from Schoolwear House. Tesco Shopping Centre Greystones.
Ph 01 2873420 email info@schoolwearhouse.ie